In a globalized world, it is inevitable for many companies to expand their business activities into new markets. An important aspect of expanding abroad is finding qualified personnel to support the company's success. Especially for companies expanding to Central Europe or planning to do so, finding personnel can be a challenge. In this article, we present the most common mistakes made when searching for personnel abroad and provide tips for successful expansion to Central Europe.

Mistake No. 1: Insufficient knowledge of local labor markets
Many companies make the mistake of not informing themselves sufficiently about the local labor markets in the target countries. It is important to know what qualifications and experience employees in the respective countries bring with them and which industries and occupational fields are in particular demand. Careful research and analysis of the local labor markets is therefore essential.
Tip: Take advantage of our expansion services. At AV-LEAD Expansion Consulting, we have extensive knowledge of the local labor markets in Central Europe and can assist you in finding qualified personnel. Visit our homepage to learn more.
Mistake No. 2: Unclear ideas about the requirements for the new employees
Companies often have unclear ideas about the requirements for new employees. They don't know exactly what skills and characteristics a new employee should bring to the table and instead look for a "jack of all trades." This can lead to important skills and experience being overlooked during the recruitment process.
Tip: Define clear requirements for the new employees and create a detailed requirements profile. In doing so, you should not limit yourself to technical qualifications, but also pay attention to social competencies and intercultural skills. We will be happy to support you in drawing up the requirements profile.
Mistake No. 3: Lack of intercultural competence in personnel recruitment
Recruiting abroad requires intercultural competence. Because what is considered positive or negative in one country can be the other way around in another. Companies that lack intercultural competence run the risk of overlooking or misinterpreting cultural differences.
Tip: Pay attention to intercultural competence when recruiting. Make sure that the employees responsible for recruiting have intercultural experience and knowledge. At AV-LEAD Expansion Consulting we have many years of experience in dealing with intercultural challenges and can support you in your personnel search.
Mistake No. 4: Lack of visibility in the local job market
Many companies expanding into new markets do not yet have visibility in the local job market. This can lead to qualified applicants not becoming aware of the company and thus not being considered.
Tip: Create visibility in the local job market by posting your job openings on local job portals and having a targeted presence at career fairs and networking events. Another option is to work with local recruiters who already have existing networks in the job market.
Mistake No. 5: Underestimating the legal environment
When recruiting personnel abroad, companies must also take into account the legal framework in the target country. This includes, for example, labor laws, social security obligations and tax regulations. Companies that do not observe these legal framework conditions run the risk of getting into legal difficulties.
Tip: Inform yourself in advance about the legal framework in the target country and seek legal advice if necessary. At AV-LEAD Expansion Consulting, we have extensive knowledge of the legal framework in Central Europe and can assist you in complying with this environment.
Mistake No. 6: Neglecting the onboarding process
A successful onboarding process is also of great importance when recruiting staff abroad. This is not only about training the new employees, but also about integrating them into the corporate culture and teaching them intercultural skills.
Tip: Plan the onboarding process carefully in advance and take enough time for the training and integration of the new employees. At AV-LEAD, we will of course support you in planning and implementing the onboarding process.
What happens when these mistakes are made?
When companies make mistakes when recruiting abroad, it can have various negative consequences. Here are some examples:
Miscasting: If companies do not invest enough time and resources in recruiting or do not set clear requirements for the new employees, there is a risk of miscasting. This means that the new employees do not have the necessary skills or experience to meet the set requirements. This can lead to inefficient operations, lower productivity, or even damage to reputation and customer satisfaction. Not to mention the costs that are incurred as a result.
High turnover rate: If new employees are not sufficiently integrated into the company culture and way of working, or if they are not offered development opportunities, this can lead to a high turnover rate. Employees may leave the company because they do not feel comfortable or feel that their skills and talents are not being sufficiently utilized. A high turnover rate can lead to additional costs and a negative impact on the work atmosphere.
Legal difficulties: If companies do not comply with the legal framework in the target country, they may run into legal difficulties. This can lead to heavy fines, legal disputes or even loss of business operations.
Loss of time and resources: If mistakes are made in recruiting abroad, this can lead to a loss of time and resources. Companies may have to conduct additional application processes, rehire or fire employees, or deal with legal issues. This usually leads to additional costs and a negative impact on the efficiency and success of the company.
Recruiting personnel abroad presents companies with special challenges. Careful research and analysis of the local labor markets as well as clear requirements for the new employees are of great importance. Intercultural competence and good visibility on the local labor market are also essential. Companies should also consider the legal framework in the target country and plan a successful onboarding process.
At AV-LEAD Expansion Consulting, we have extensive experience in recruiting abroad and can assist companies in finding qualified personnel in Central Europe. Feel free to contact us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!