Welcome to the first part of our series of articles on the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding the topic of contracts in the German-speaking region. Here we list those questions that we are asked the most by customers, prospects and companies. We hope that our answers and advice will help you. Haven't found what you were looking for? Click here to get to part 2 of our series!

Table of contents
Why should I execute contracts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?
Compared to Eastern European countries, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are characterized by a very strong economic performance, high prosperity and a significantly higher price level. For you as a company from Eastern Europe, this means that you can usually realize significantly higher prices for your products or services in German-speaking areas than in your home country. Nevertheless, even with a higher margin, you will normally remain competitive with companies based in the DACH region. The collection of high-class references and the optimization of your own workload represent further advantages in favor of orders in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A more detailed elaboration of these and other arguments can be found in our article 4 reasons for contracts in Germany and Austria.
How do I search and find contracts in German-speaking countries?
Searching for contracts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be done in several ways. If you do not have the appropriate contacts in the DACH region, tender portals are usually the best solution. Through them, you can find private and public tenders from all industries. Take a look at our article Tenders in Germany and Austria: How to participate properly? for a step-by-step guide on how to participate in tenders in the DACH region. We are also happy to support you in the distribution of your products in German-speaking countries and provide you with contracts, orders and assignments as a commercial agent. Learn more and contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
How do I find customers, business partners, wholesalers and contacts in the DACH region?
Especially due to language barriers, differences in mentality and lack of connections, finding customers, business partners, wholesalers and contacts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland often turns out to be extremely difficult for Eastern European companies. Even if your employees have excellent English skills, this does not automatically mean that you can communicate with potential business partners at the same level. Therefore, we take over the search for them for you and arrange customers, business partners, wholesalers and contacts of all kinds, so that you can push your business in the DACH region. All this is normally done on a commission basis, so we only charge a fee if contracts or orders actually happen. Learn more and contact us.
How to sell my products best in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?
How you can best sell your products in the German-speaking world depends very much on the nature of your products and services, as well as the industry in which you operate. Creating online stores in German, arranging retail contacts, sourcing contracts with wholesalers and much more are part of our everyday work. This is how we help companies from Eastern Europe to achieve sustainable success in the DACH region. Learn more about our contract brokerage services.
How to become a subcontractor for companies from German-speaking countries?
Especially in the construction industry, the use of subcontractors is a popular solution for outsourcing know-how and labor input. But it is also common in the manufacturing sector in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for Eastern European companies to be engaged as subcontractors. In both cases, companies from Eastern European countries usually benefit from higher prices than in their home countries. However, a certain level of trust with the German-speaking business partner as well as absolute reliability are prerequisites for establishing this type of subcontracting relationship. We are happy to help you and, together with our local experts, we will find exactly the right business partner for you who would like to engage you as a subcontractor for construction projects or in the manufacturing industry. Learn more and contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you!
Can I sell my products in the DACH region at a higher price?
The answer to this question also varies depending on the product type, industry and exact market environment. Nevertheless, we can clearly say from experience that as an Eastern European company, you will in most cases make significantly more profit with your products and services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland than in your home market. The main reason for this is the substantially higher price level as well as the stronger economic performance in the German-speaking countries. Nevertheless, especially in the construction sector you should pay attention to various legal regulations that regulate the work of foreign companies or construction firms from EU member states. Here, too, we not only find individual orders and construction contracts for you, but are also happy to advise you and clarify regulatory uncertainties. Learn more and contact us.
What is the best way to translate my homepage into German?
Especially if you are targeting final consumers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with your products or services, a flawless translation of the online presence is essential for your success. This includes not only the homepage, but also marketing materials, social media channels and much more. Every day, we encounter dozens of inadequately translated websites from Eastern European companies looking to expand their presence in German-speaking countries. In most cases, these low-quality translations were carried out by translation agencies from Eastern Europe and were not infrequently even comparatively expensive. An advice, which we would like to emphasize from years of experience: Engage agencies only from those countries in which you also want to be active. For example, if you want to sell your products in the DACH region, work with a professional translation company from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. This is the only way to ensure a flawless and flawless translation. German-speaking consumers notice even the smallest errors or discrepancies, which could quickly classify you as unprofessional and untrustworthy. We would be happy to translate your website as well as your communication with customers in an absolutely professional way and perfectly adapted to your target market with our local and specialized staff. Learn more and contact us.
What is the best way to communicate with German-speaking customers?
Just like an error-free and professional translation of your written content on homepage, marketing materials and accounts on social media, the translation of spoken content is equally essential for a sustainable business success in a new market. Depending on the type of customer, oral communication can be done in a variety of ways. When it comes to business partners, i.e. B2B, in many industries it is usually not a problem if the dialogue is in English. However, in the case of verbal communication with end customers, German is essential as the language of negotiation. Examples of this could be customer service staff or sales teams. Here, in our experience, it is usually compulsory for them to have an excellent knowledge of German. For many of our clients, we therefore take over the complete B2C customer correspondence with our local employees. So it is not essential that you hire German speaking staff, but rather outsource areas such as customer support and sales to us. Learn more and contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Do I need to speak German to sell my products successfully in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?
As already discussed in our previous answer, in many cases it is not necessary to be able to speak German in the DACH region in the B2B area. However, excellent English skills should be a given on both sides. But when it comes to end customers, i.e. the B2C area, correspondence in the consumer's native language, i.e. German, is for the most part essential in order to make a professional impression and establish long-term customer relationships. We are happy to take care of absolutely professional and perfect customer communication in German, so that you can concentrate on your core business in your home market.